Sefar Şoftim 4QJudga + B

4QJudga + B Judecători. capitol4.vers4-5-6




4QJudga + Bjud. 4.4-5-6

MS iin ebraică pe piele maro, Qumran, cca. 80-30 î.Hr.,
1 fragment dintr-o parcurgere, 3,0 x8, 5 cm rămase,
o parte din coloana 1, (3,0 x8, 5 cm),
4 linii într-un scenariu bun Irodian carte ebraică.

Context: Judecătorii este reprezentată
 doar pe fragmente de la 3 la Marea Moartă 1Qjudg
 în Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, şi 4QJudga + B,
 în Ierusalim: Muzeul Rockefeller.
MS 2861

Provenienţa: 1. Comunitate de esenieni,
 la Qumran (2-a repriză de 1 C, BC-68 AD.);
 2. Qumran Pestera 4 (68-1952); 3. Khalil Iskander Shahin
 ("Kando"), Betleem (1952-1956); 4. Colectie privata, Elveţia

MS 2861  
MS iin Hebrew on brown leather, Qumran,
 ca. 80-30 BC, 1 fragment from a scroll,
3,0x8,5 cm remaining, part of 1 column, (3,0x8,5 cm),
 4 lines in a good Herodian Hebrew book script.
Context: Judges is only represented on fragments
from the 3 Dead Sea Scrolls 1QJudg in Paris:
Bibliothèque Nationale,
and 4QJudga+b, in Jerusalem: Rockefeller Museum.
Provenance: 1. Community of the Essenes, Qumran (2nd half of 1st c. BC-68 AD); 2. Qumran Cave 4 (68-1952); 3. Khalil Iskander Shahin ("Kando"), Bethlehem (1952-1956); 4. Private collection, Switzerland (1956-1995).
Commentary: The earliest witness to this part of the Bible. The oldest biblical manuscript in private ownership. Preliminary description based on information from Dr. James H. Charlesworth, who will publish the MS in the DJD series and in the Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project.
See also MS 4611, The Leviticus Dead Sea Scroll, Qumran, 30 BC - 68 AD 


4. [Pe vremea aceea judecător în Israel era Debora, ] proorociţa, nevasta lui Lapidot.
5. Ea şedea sub finicul Deborei, între Rama şi Betel, în muntele lui Efraim; şi copiii lui Israel se suiau la ea ca să fie judecaţi.
6. Ea a trimis să cheme pe Barac, fiul lui Abinoam, din Chedeş-Neftali, şi i-a zis: „Iată porunca pe care a dat-o Domnul, Dumnezeul lui Israel: ,Du-te, îndreaptă-te spre muntele Taborului, şi ia cu tine zece mii de oameni din copiii lui Neftali şi din copiii lui Zabulon;
[ Now Deborah], a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, [she judged Israel at that time].
And she dwelt under the palm-tree of Deborah between Ramah and Beth-el in the hill-country of Ephraim: and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment.
And she sent and called Barak the son of Abinoam out of Kedesh-naphtali, and said unto him, Hath not Jehovah, the God of Israel, commanded, saying , Go and draw unto mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and of the children of Zebulun?

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